
Nosh Delivery

Decentralized Food Delivery Cooperative with bootstrapped reputation off existing sharing economy/social trust platforms.



Prove your identity on social media.



Find other influencers to work together on Instagram/TikTok advertising campaigns.


ZK circuits for Optimism RPGF allocator

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Privately find and message your undiscovered peers.

Speakeasies are a special new type of private space on the web that you can join - not because you’re invited - but because you’re already qualified.



An app using MPC (multi-party computation) for human connection. This includes discovering common interests, querying your connections, and visualizing communities formed through the Devcon PWA.


Freedom Tool

Online voting systems are the most accessible way for people to participate in democracy, especially for those living under oppressive regimes. However, they typically lack transparency and are prone to Sybil and cyber attacks.

Rarimo has employed zero-knowledge cryptography to address these challenges and built Freedom Tool, a decentralized, transparent, and privacy-preserving online voting tool on blockchain.

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ketl is a new exclusive anonymous app built for founders and vcs. Join over 500 of the top founders and vcs in the discussion today.

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Creddd is a piece of your onchain reputation. It's created automatically whenever you do things onchain.

It shows, cryptographically, that you've done things you say you've done. It's privacy-preserving; you don't have to reveal your address to use your creddd.

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ZK Attested Images and Proof of Location

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ZKP2P is a trustless and privacy-preserving fiat-to-crypto onramp powered by ZK proofs. This (V2) repo is currently under active development. ZKP2P is currently live in Alpha which is a productionized version with audits and supporting Venmo, a popular P2P payment network in the US.

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ZKSummit 11 Cursive App

Every attendee will get an NFC card alongside their badge, and additional NFC cards will be placed in front of rooms where talks and workshops are held. Tapping another attendee's card allows you to see their contact information, as well as receive a digital signature that verifiably represents the fact that you met them. Tapping a card associated with a talk gives you a digital signature proving you attended that talk. There are 3 main things you can do with these signatures: make zero knowledge proofs, privately compute the things you've done in common with someone else, and aggregate the signatures into one big proof of your entire event experience - ZK Summit Folded!

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zkPoEX (zk proof of exploit) is a Proof-of-Concept developed at ETH Denver Hackathon with the aim to facilitate communication and collaboration between security experts and teams in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space by enabling white hat hackers to report live vulnerabilities in smart contracts while maintaining the confidentiality of the exploit.

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RWA Verified On-Chain

Jiritsu is a cutting-edge Layer 1 blockchain with a native ZK-MPC oracle designed for real-world assets. May be realized, but the technology is proprietary.
